What is GBH in British Law: Definition and Legal Implications

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What is GBH in British Law: A Comprehensive Guide

Great Bodily Harm (GBH) is a serious offense in British law that carries severe penalties. As a law enthusiast, I have always been fascinated by the intricacies of this legal concept and its implications in the justice system. In this blog post, I aim to delve deep into the definition of GBH, its legal implications, and some notable case studies to illustrate its gravity.


GBH refers to the intentional infliction of a significant injury on another person. It encompasses a range of harm, broken bones, injuries, and other bodily injuries. The severity of GBH distinguishes it from lesser offenses such as assault and battery, and it is treated with the utmost seriousness in the legal system.


Under the Against the Person Act 1861, GBH is into two offenses: 18 (s18) and 20 (s20). S18 GBH involves causing grievous bodily harm with intent, and carries a maximum penalty of life imprisonment. On the other hand, s20 GBH involves causing grievous bodily harm without intent, and carries a maximum penalty of five years imprisonment.

Case Studies

One of the most famous GBH cases in British legal history is R v Brown (1994), where the House of Lords ruled that consent could not be used as a defense for acts of GBH. This precedent-setting case has had far-reaching implications in the legal landscape and has shaped the way GBH cases are prosecuted and defended.

Year Number GBH Convictions
2016 1,532
2017 1,678
2018 1,774

GBH is a serious offense in British law that carries significant legal implications. As I to the of criminal law, the study of GBH has my for the of the legal system and its on society.

GBH in British Law

Below a legal contract the definition and of Bodily Harm (GBH) in British law.

Definition Bodily Harm (GBH) is as the and infliction of injury which in physical harm to person. This but is not to or bones, injuries, cuts and lacerations, and injury in disfigurement.
Implications Under the Against the Person Act 1861, 18, a found of Grievous Bodily Harm with may a maximum of life imprisonment. In where intent be a charge of Grievous Bodily Harm under 20 may in a maximum of 5 imprisonment.
Case The case of R v Brown [1993] 2 All ER 75 that is not a in cases of GBH, in of or activities.
Conclusion It for to the serious of Grievous Bodily Harm under British law and to in a that the and of others. Violation these may in legal consequences.

GBH in British Law: 10 Questions Answered

Question Answer
1. What does GBH stand for in British law? GBH for Bodily Harm. Refers to physical caused another person, resulting in health consequences.
2. How is GBH defined under British law? GBH as injury causes disfigurement, of function, or and harm to health.
3. Are for GBH? The for GBH depending on the of the harm and the of the case. Can substantial and imprisonment.
4. Can act of be as GBH? In cases, act of can in GBH. Is to legal to whether the of force was justified.
5. Is it possible to be charged with GBH without intending to cause harm? Yes, is to charged with GBH if was no to harm. Focus on the of the inflicted, than the behind it.
6. Is between GBH and ABH (Actual Harm)? GBH involves more serious injuries that result in long-term consequences, while ABH involves less serious injuries that may still cause harm, but are not as severe as those classified as GBH.
7. Can a case of GBH be settled out of court? It for a of GBH be out through or However, is to legal before any decisions.
8. Evidence needed to GBH in court? Evidence as reports, statements, and testimony be to the of the and the of the caused.
9. Can charge of GBH to a offense? In cases, charge of GBH be to a offense as ABH, on the and the in court.
10. Can expert in a involving GBH? A expert provide guidance support the process, to a defense and the possible for the.